When you develop a new electronic product for your company or your clients,then you need the PCBA Prototype for the test,you wish to find a Cheap PCB Assembly factory to provide the high quality PCB Assembly service for you or even become your partner,so that can help you speed up the new product to the market,and save the cost.

But the truth is hard to find such a Cheap PCB Assembly factory,because in China,naver have the lowest price,always have the lower price,but the quality would make you in trouble,would delay your new product to the market,or delay the delivery for your clients,so it’s important to find a good PCB Assembly factory as your supplier,so don,t  suggest you to change the PCB A supplier if you cooperate good now,it’s risk thing to change a new PCBA supplier,but if your current supplier can,t meet your requirements,and you have to change a new one,you can try to contact Duke Circuit Co.,Ltd,after cooperate,you would be suprised that we can save at least 10% cost for your PCBA.

We recently finished many PCBA Prototype Projects,take a example to share in here,a new client from Asia,need us to do the PCB Assembly job,quantity 40 pcs,more than 30 kinds of electronic components,and 130 units components,include the ATMega2560-16AU TQFP-100,also have 4 units need to sold by hand,could you guess:how much we quote?and how much other suppliers quote at least?

As far as i learned that from this client,most of the PCBA factory quote USD200,some quote USD420,but we quote USD100,yes,USD100,we finished this project well,you can see the picture,we can,t test the function,because still have some compoents need to sold on the board by client,but we test all components by AOI Equipment one by one.

If you are a new one in this industry or you are looking for a new PCB Assembly factory,you can try to contact us,you would  be surpriced.