


Electronic Pet Cloud

This Electronic Pet Cloud create by a Chinese Software Engineer. This Chinese Soft Engineer feel Stress and Anxiety,he looking the help of Psychologist. The Psychologist suggest him to keep a pet. Pet can play [...]

Smart Helmet

Smart helmet began in industries, fire protection, mines and other scenarios where with strong demand for personnel safety and track positioning. Now the Smart Hemet also used in take away delivery and  courier Industry,like the [...]

Smart Fire Protection Solution

Smart Fire Protection Solution introduction: This Smart Fire Protection solution utilizes IoT technologies such as sense, transmission, knowledge, and  comprehensively utilizes with ICT technologies such as lora wireless sensing, cloud computing, and big data. Through the Internet, [...]

5G+IoT Smart Parking System Solution case

I.The Introduce of Solution Case: This case adopts the latest LoRa/LoRaWAN and NB-IoT technology and the innovative application of Internet of Things which launched by advanced geomagnetic vehicle detection technology. It mainly targets all kinds of smart [...]

Internet of Things Trend

"The Internet of Things", referred to as: IOT. What is the IoT?The Internet of Things (IoT) is a Fusion Applications through intelligent sensing,recognition technology and pervasive computing,and ubiquitous networks. IoT can collects any object that [...]

Component Part Number National Naming Method

Component part number naming are different from different countries. China The semiconductor device model number consists of five parts (field effect device, semiconductor special device, composite tube, PIN tube, laser device type, only the third, [...]